Sunday, January 16, 2011

Get rid of the Seaward--I'll leave when I'm good and ready

(don't get the AD reference?

I’m not quite sure how it came up today, but somehow my roommates and I got to talking about building ships in a bottle. We were in universal agreement about their awesomeness and then discussed the merits of putting other forms of transportation in a bottle. Why, for instance, is there no airplane in a bottle, or train in a bottle? I’d totally build a scale model of a Bolt Bus because that is my favorite mode of transportation. Regardless, I boldly stated that this was going to be my project for the day. After all, I leave a ton of empty bottles in my wake, why shouldn't I give back to the bottle industry?

Naturally, after this declaration, I was put down. I get it, because I spout a lot of nonsense to these two.  Clyde told me it wouldn’t happen and Alex literally said he didn’t believe in me. I find this lack of encouragement discouraging. As with my resolutions, I only say I’m going to do something if I’m going to do it.  I don’t make empty promises. The second I got home from our roommate brunch outing (want to know where we were? Alex checked us all in on Facebook), I Googled ship in a bottle kits. I found an inexpensive one at Barnes and Noble in Bethesda and I’m going to pick it up as soon as I finish writing this, pending availability in stores. I trolled Craigslist, called hobby stores and other craft stores but Bethesda saved my ass.  That’s right, I will be building a small model of the USS Constitution and putting it in a bottle before the Patriots/Jets game today. To be fair, Alex did believe in me enough to ask at an antique store for me if they did have ships in bottles. I’m almost happy they didn’t because now I get to make one on my own. And now I get to talk about it to my blog readership (LOL!!!!!11 ship pun)

They’re really neat, ships in bottles. I mean, just think about it! It’s boggling my mind right now. It defies everything I know about ships and bottles. It seems daunting. I’m probably going to screw it up and throw it against the wall. I’ll probably make a ton of Titanic jokes too in the process. When it comes down to it, I do believe in myself. I’m not going to let all this negative energy bring me down faster than the water tight compartments on the Titanic. Like Ellen says, I’m going to make it happen, cap’n. 

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