Friday, March 30, 2012

Ten chicks I'd hook up with from young adult books that have been turned into movies

In my last post, I promised to have a discussion regarding the hotness of Kristen Stewart. I never want to disappoint my fans, but I also realized that I could expand on this topic much further. So, ladies and gentleman, I present to you (after much deliberation):

The Current List of Ten Chicks (in no particular order) I'd Hook Up With From My Favorite Young Adult Books That Have Been Turned Into Movies

1. Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan in the Twilight series

Okay, I actually hated the Twilight books and the movies. I am wary about listing them in this category but Kristen Stewart is just Seriously. I don't give a shit about Bella and her angst with those cold, creepy vampires. The books are so poorly written that I wanted to red pen the entire novel or burn them. But, since I read them, and saw the first movie, I feel obligated to put Kristen Stewart on here. Kristen, not Bella, looks good in eyeliner, which, as someone who cannot put eyeliner on without causing a stye, is very hot. Kristen gives me that whole 'I don't give a fuck' look and I know she'd be a pain in the ass with her smirking, but I can't stop looking at her and wanting to try to talk to her. I'm really excited to see her in Snow White because she might be the most bangable of them all.

2. Emma Watson as Hermione Granger in the (later) Harry Potter series.

I really admire Hermione and wish that I was half the woman she was. Not only is she super intelligent, but she's a great friend, brave, and hooked up with a hot Quidditch star. She might be a bit of an insufferable know-it-all, but with the goods that she has, I think we can let that slide. Emma Watson has a new short haircut that I find very cute. She's smart and confident, and she's never the topic of horrible Hollywood gossip. Like her Hermione counterpart, she knows how to break the rules without really getting into trouble. It sucks that she gets with pathetic Ron at the end, but whatever. That's why I can create my own fanfic with an HG/SR pairing.

3. Emma Watson as Sam in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"

Okay, I know it's totally cheating to have Emma Watson twice, but the truth is, I've wanted to hook up with her character in The Perks of Being a Wallflower long before they even cast her in the role. Actually, the movie isn't out yet, but I'm so excited that one of my favorite angsty YA novels is being turned into a movie that I had to include it. Emma plays Sam, a high school senior with a gay step-brother. The narrator, Charlie, instantly falls in love with Sam's brashness and honesty. She's sexually confident but also vulnerable. Stephen Chbosky created a beautiful character that I relate to because we are both secretly screwed up. I wouldn't just wham bam thank you ma'am Sam, but I'd really want to know her and create a lasting connection. Or at least make out while writing "I love you" on an typewriter. Sorry to get sappy.

4. Liv Tyler as Arwen Evenstar in The Lord of the Rings series

So I have to admit that I only read the Fellowship of the Ring, but I did see all of the movies. I was a fan of the book but even more of a fan of the excellent casting for the movie. Arwen has that amazing mythical innocence that only a Tolkien movie can capture. She may be half-elven but she's a full bodied hottie. I was immediately intrigued by her complicated love story with Aragorn, and even though she was a minor character, her presence lit up the screen. I mean, sure Peter Jackson probably invented a couple of scenes for her, but who's complaining? Never has a chick wearing this many clothes in Middle Earth been so hot. One does not simply look this good when being surrounded by hobbits. 

5. Anna Popplewell as Susan Pevensie in The Chronicles of Narnia series

I'm very aware that the characters in all of The Chronicles of Narnia series were probably around 14-16, but Anna is definitely over 18, and therefore I don't feel like such a creeper. Anyways, Susan is a lot like Hermione--smart, level-headed, and confident. She's a great older sister and hunter. On top of keeping Narnia safe from evil queens and being heartbroken over Prince Caspian, she just looks so good. I think the name  Queen Susan the Gentle doesn't capture her fierce personality. Dawn Treader? I hardly know her!

6. Angelina Jolie as Lisa Rowe in "Girl, Interrupted"

Angelina Jolie is like George Clooney--just timeless beauty. She only gets better with age. I cannot think of one bad role Angelina has been in, but I had to pick this movie from one of my favorite young adult books--Girl, Interrupted. Angelina plays Lisa, a sociopath in a mental institution with main character Susanna Kaysen, played by Winona Ryder (not bad looking either). Lisa constantly escapes the hospital, ignores Whoopi Goldberg's tough love, and is generally a demented pain in the ass. She's pretty evil, but she also has this intrinsic quality that I can't get enough of. She's sexy and she knows it, even before LMFAO sang about it. You really hate her in the movie because she's trouble but you're so captivated by her deranged brain that you can't help but want to make out with her, and smoke pot with her druggie friends.

7. Blake Lively as Bridget Vreeland in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series

I absolutely cannot get enough of Blake Lively. I loved her in The Town, I currently love her in Gossip Girl (another fine series of YA novels), but I first experienced her hotness in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Blake plays Bridget, a tall athletic girl from Bethesda, whose mother committed suicide, and has a pretty fucked up family life as a result. Bridget loses her virginity super early and generally is an impulsive train wreck, but she's got this amazing sensitive side that is hard to ignore. Plus, she has killer legs. Bridget Vreeland is that friend you have that you're jealous of but also feel bad for because of all the shit they've had to deal with. Blake plays Bridget just as I imagined her in the series, and even thought we'd be height-mismatched, I'm willing to risk it if she is.

8. Alexis Bledel as Lena Kaligaris in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series

Alternatively, from the same series, you have the brunette goddess Alexis Bledel playing Lena Kaligaris. Now, I never really watched Gilmore Girls, but I've always found Alexis to be a tremendous actress with stunning eyes. Lena is almost the opposite of the above Bridget: quiet, artistic, calm, and rational. She believes in true love and has a good set of Greek values. She meets a pretty hot guy named Kostos in the first book and their love saga follows all the way into the final fourth book. I like Lena because she's emotionally strong, even if you just want to shake her and yell "Just fuck him, already!"Alexis Bledel has the otherworldly appearance like Arwen, and thus, my attraction increases. Or, I might be hypnotized by her blue eyes. Can't.Stop.Staring.

9. Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet in "Pride and Prejudice"

Nothing like a Jane Austen book to get women feeling lusty. The truth is, like Angelina Jolie, Keira Knightley is just amazing in everything. While I was a huge fan of the BBC miniseries of Pride and Prejudice, I really enjoyed the American version as well. As Elizabeth Bennet, Keira has to play a headstrong girl in a family of five other women with a crazy mother who just needs to marry them off or deal with poverty. She meets Mr. Darcy, played by  Matthew Macfadyen, and thinks he's a snob. Well, they both learn a lot about each other during a series of chance encounters at dances, churches, manors and pubs, and discover that the other isn't what they originally thought they were like. I've always wanted to be like Elizabeth because she doesn't take shit from anyone and is fiercely loyal to her family. These are traits I try to emulate, but I look nowhere near as hot as Keira. Therefore, when my favorite character is played by my favorite actress, it's hard not to want to be with her. Plus, she'll talk dirty to me in a British accent.

10. Anne Hathaway as Mia Thermopolis in "The Princess Diaries"

The Princess Diaries was the first time I ever saw Anne Hathaway in a movie, and I've truly enjoyed her in every movie I've seen since, including Brokeback Mountain, Love and Other Drugs, and Catwoman. In the Princess Diaries, high school girl Mia Thermopolis finds out she's heir to the throne in some weird country in Europe called Genovia. She's pretty klutzy and obnoxious, but as fates will have it, she has to take princess lessons from her grandmother, who is absolutely terrifying in the books, but lovable as Julie Andrews in the movies. Mia undergoes a transformation from gawky teenager to a pretty sleek looking princess. It's a wonder what the flat iron and some mascara will do. Anyways, she has to deal with her desire to become popular and date the hot senior, Josh Richter, while also battling her affections with dorky but sort of hot Michael Moscovitz, her best friend Lily's brother. Oh high school. Anyways, Mia learns all about friendship and family, blah blah, but she's pretty smoking as a verbally incontinent ditz. I'd like to be part of her royal court. 

Honorable Mentions: 
Emma Stone as Olive in "Easy A"

Okay, this is kind of cheating since "Easy A" is only based off of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" and there already was a movie. But, I didn't find Demi Moore that great in it, and plus, c'mon, how can you deny Emma Stone? She plays Olive, an innocuous high schooler that gains the untrue reputation of losing her virginity. The right wing crazies, led by Amanda Bynes, chastise her, while pretty much all of the guys pay her in gift certificates to Home Depot to say that she took their virginity. Olive holds onto her V-card throughout the whole movie, which is pretty admirable. She eventually gets together with her best friend, played by the same guy who plays Dan Humphrey in Gossip Girl. Anyways, it's definitely a stretch from "The Scarlet Letter", but Emma Stone is super hot. She's got the eyeliner thing going, and is a way less insane redhead than Lindsey Lohan. I like Emma because she'd make me laugh, which is the hottest thing a girl can do. 

Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen in "The Hunger Games"

I can't officially add Jennifer on my list because I haven't finished reading "The Hunger Games". I cheated and just saw the movie. So Jennifer, you're an honorable mention until I finally finish the remaining chapters of the book on my bed. But I had to put you on my list, I mean, come on, the girl is on on fire!

And there's my ten-ish. Did I miss anyone you think should be on this list? Let me know! And as always, the book is always better than the movie, until you see how hot the chicks are in real life. 

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