Thursday, March 17, 2011

Musings on BoltBus, continued.

Ah, Bolt Bus. My favorite mode of transportation from Maryland to New York City. What’s not to love—the free WiFi, the outlets, the droves college males in the rows across from me and the jovial drivers who sing to you?  I actually prefer to take the bus than drive because driving through New Jersey makes me want to punt children and the bus gives me a chance to update the blog. And, my good friend Jon Katz is sitting next to me and providing excellent banter (as well as sucking up more of the precious bandwidth on this bus).

Actually, it started of as an awkward ride because I managed to insult my driver from not once but twice, and we haven’t hit Baltimore yet.  As I was about to board, I showed him my confirmation sheet and pointed out the number to him and he said ‘Oh, thanks! THAT’S what that number is”. Fine, whatever. I’d be miserable if I had to drive a bus on St. Patrick’s Day too. I guess the second insult was my fault because he announced to the bus that the right side outlets didn’t work and I said to Jon ‘That’s going to suck for the Baltimorons” and then out of nowhere, he said ‘Hey, I’m from Baltimore. You should lower your voice”. He’s a dick and I hate the fact he’s a buzzkill for the ride. I’ll show you, I’m not listening to the announcements you’re giving now. Fuck safety regulations. Maybe I’ll keep my cellphone on loud just to show everyone.

What a week it’s been. While I am personally happy with my new computer (finally named Mac-gyver…thanks Timmy!), the rest of the world is literally going to shit. I’ve found myself  addicted to news from Japan. I heard that the whole country of Japan literally shifted 8 feet from the earthquake and even more terrifying, the quake shook the Earth so much that we lost a fraction of a second of time. While that doesn’t seem to be a big deal, just think about how much force must have been required to disrupt the tilt of the Earth’s axis that much. I don’t understand or really believe in science that much but still, I’m terrified.

Yet, despite all of the terribleness, I still find myself smiling and singing. Why? Because I’ve discovered the worst thing in the world on YouTube: Friday. The annoyingly catch ramblings of a preteen singing about parties, days of the week and the omnipresent dilemma in all of our lives: where to sit in the car. I’ve already listened to it 5 times today, and probably will listen five times more.  Honestly, I hate that I love this song and more importantly I love that I hate it. I think Rebecca Black’s lifestyle of partying with underage kids with braces is a choice I can get behind. My friends are better dances than her cohorts in the backseat but I enjoy their fumbles. Plus, if I could hang around a larger, questionably pedophiliac Black male, I’m sure I would too. He tosses some good jams. Thanks again Rebecca for teaching me the days of the week and reminding me to eat cereal every morning at seven. It’s Friday, Friday….damnit!

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