Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I’ll Huff and I’ll Puff but I’ll Never Sell this Blog to AOL

As I was so kindly reminded by my friend Liz, I haven’t updated this blog in a while. No excuses. I’m actually reading about SEO (search engine optimization) to improve this little blog. But then I remembered I was an English major and can’t do tech things that involve acronyms and promptly gave up. So, what does giving up mean? Perhaps I’ll follow suit, pull an Arianna Huffington, and sell my blog to a (maybe) dying web company.

Anyone else remember those trial AOL CDs that used to assault our mail boxes? And I’m not talking e-mail inboxes. I’m talking that metal box with a flag on it that you had in front of your house growing up. We used to be able to get 45 days of FREE AOL dial-up Internet! Remember how exhilarated you felt waiting those 5 minutes to connect to the web? I used to actually hold my pee and time my advent online so that I could maximize my usage of Internet and not pee during the actual experience, only the dialing part. And that part, when I wasn’t peeing, was pretty cool too. I memorized those beeps and noises so I sang along with the dialing tone of AOL and (RIP) Prodigy. Man, connecting to the Internet was like a trip to Disney World back then. So magical and full of strange sounds. I take my WiFi for granted now and get pissed when I have to use 3G on my iPhone instead. Where’s the magic? Does AOL still have it?

Long story short, in my mind, no. In my mind, AOL is just corporate media and the Huffington Post selling out for $315 million is a disgrace to this quirky and liberal media site. Don’t agree with me? Well, actual real writers who write about real things that matter do. Says blogger Dana Milbank of the WashPo:

There are also some indications that she has [Huffington] sold out in the ideological sense and committed the Huffington Post to joining the mainstream media - the evil "MSM" of "HuffPo" blogger ire. Announcing the deal, she and her new boss went out of their way to say that the new Huffington Post would emphasize things other than the liberal politics on which the brand was built”.

That’s crap. Like so many great liberal things, Arianna sold out just to make a quick million bucks. AOL is in the hole anyways and selling to them is the equivalent of Luke Wilson gaining face weight for those AT&T commercials. I miss you in Legally Blonde, Luke! That was real acting.

Needless to say, if AOL offered me $315 million, or what my blog is actually worth, $3.15, I still wouldn’t take it. Liberal news is taking a beat down thanks to fear mongering from those crazy Republicans and I won’t stand for it. It’s a shame that Huffington felt the pressure to sway her previously unique and upbeat content to ‘the man’. I’ll miss the HuffPo’s coverage of Sarah Palin’s crazy antics. It was real. I used to want to blog for the Huffington Post but not anymore. It’s me against the world and I can only hope us liberal writers stand strong and proud. You’ve got mail, AOL and Arianna Huffington, but I have something I like to call integrity. 

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